☙ The Frog Prince

Once upon a time in a castle by a pond, there was a princess playing with a golden ball. She threw it up and caught it but accidentally threw it out into the pond where it sank into the water. She thought she would never see it again, so she sat down and started to cry.

When her tears fell in the water, it started bubbling and a little green frog with a big mouth jumped out. The princess didn’t like frogs and thought they were gross and ugly, but the frog could talk so she was surprised. He asked, What’s wrong?

The princess told him her favorite ball fell in the water. The frog said he’d get it, if the princess promised to be his friend and let him into her house and eat and sleep with her. She thought this was disgusting, but it was just a frog and she could step on him or throw him out if he got pushy, so she said yes.

The frog came back with the ball, which must have been made of metal to be heavy enough to sink and also be picked up by a frog’s mouth. He put it in the princess’s hand and said they were friends now. But she just walked away. She heard a wet hopping noise behind her.

You promised, the frog said.

She started to run and he couldn’t keep up. When she got home she heard the wet hopping at the window to her room.

The frog screamed that she promised to let him in.

She ran out of her room and went to her dad who was the king. The king said, it sounds like he did you a favor and you promised him something in return. Don’t be a spoiled little bitch and cry about it, you were the one who agreed to the promise. Now you have to let him be your friend.

So the princess had to do it. She let the frog in and he ate dinner with the family and the princess hated the noise he made and the pond slime he left on her plate. At night the frog got a big head and asked her to take him to her bed and give him a good night kiss, or he would tell the king she didn’t keep her promise. The princess had enough. She picked him up, and threw him as hard as she could at the wall.

The frog turned into his original form, which was a human prince. He said that he had been cursed by a magician, though he didn’t explain who or why. It was probably because he was annoying or for some other bad and embarrassing reason.

So now she was friends with this person. How was that any better? Her dad made her marry him too. But she was okay with it now, I guess. Maybe she wasn’t but marrying her off was her dad’s promise and she realized how things worked by then.

People usually regret promises. You should try not to make promises to people unless there is no other choice. Even if the other person is a stupid little green boy who you think you can kick down the stairs no problem. That doesn’t mean they won’t come after you or know someone who will. Just don’t make promises.

But of course you should still finish a promise if you’re dumb enough to make one.

Anyway, for the frog, princess and king, all the promises were now finished. They learned their lessons and all lived happily ever after until they died.