☙ Little Red Cap

There was a little girl with a Red cap who lived by the forest. Her grandma was sick and lived in the forest. So did a wolf that ate people. One day, the girl’s mom told her to go see grandma. Red had to take a basket with wine and cake.

The mom might have known about the wolf, or maybe she didn’t. She didn’t want to go see her own mom, so she sent her daughter the Red cap girl. And she told the girl to stay on the path.

The girl headed into the trees. On the way to grandma’s house she saw the wolf. She wasn’t scared. Maybe the wolf looked like a dog or maybe it was a werewolf that looked like a person, because those look like people when it’s not a night with a full moon.

He wanted to eat the girl with the Red cap. It wouldn’t be his first offense. He went up to her and asked her where she was going. The wolf could talk and he knew what to say. That’s how you know he did this before.

Red told the wolf her grandma’s address, which was super stupid of her. The wolf thought he could eat two for the price of one and made a new plan. The wolf told her that her grandma would probably like a bunch of flowers to go with her cake and pointed at the best place to pick flowers, which was way off the path. The girl forgot what her mom said and listened to the wolf. Her mom would say what happened next was her fault and she deserved it.

Red took so long the wolf had time to go to grandma’s house first. He ate the old lady without chewing. Then he found one of her spare dresses and lay in the bed like a pervert.

The girl with the red cap eventually got to her grandma’s house. The door was already open and she went in. She saw someone who couldn’t be her grandma on the bed, wearing her grandma’s dress, and decided to be silly about it instead of careful.

What big ears you have. What big eyes you have. What big hands you have, she said.

When she said, what big teeth you have, the wolf said, all the better to eat you with! But when he ate her he swallowed her whole and actually didn’t use his teeth. He was just being silly when he said it.

But all his talking and gobbling got the attention of a hunter close by. The hunter snuck in when the wolf was sleeping and wasn’t fooled at all by a talking wolf wearing a dress. He didn’t shoot the wolf in the gut, because he knew how the wolf worked. He knew the people were alive and unchewed inside. So he cut the wolf’s stomach open with an axe which is what they do to moms when babies are born, and out came the guts and the undigested people, grandma and the girl with the Red cap. Somehow, the wolf stayed asleep. They were all so mad that they filled the hole in the wolf with rocks and bricks so he couldn’t move and skinned him so he would die in pain if he wasn’t already dead.

The wolf chose the wrong person to eat that day. He probably thought a girl and an old person would make for an easy dinner.

What happened was lucky for everyone except him. The hunter was hunting the wolf for a long time because the wolf was a problem for everyone. Although the wolf wasn’t a killer in the end. He gulped people down without using his teeth and held them in a way that they didn’t die inside him, like moms hold their babies before they are born. Maybe he was just a pervert. Maybe he was just acting out for attention. Maybe he wanted to get caught all along.