To you, who waits.

I’m almost there. It’s slow going. I know, why now of all times have things slowed...

But while you’re waiting:

I was remembering the day you won that science medal at the school fair. Something about telepathy between close friends and family members. Your conclusion was that it was all nonsense, but you had the methods perfectly written and explained like something made for TV, you were always the smarter one, and more importantly, the one people liked to see. You were hopping up and down the tables and had a lightshow, and they watched your hands like you were a hypnotist. Once the prizes were handed out, you hopped in the car and slept all the way home, like the act had taken it all out of you. That part reminds me of now. We were so proud of you until we got home. 

I was there, but they weren't looking at me. I don’t remember much about the project, what I remember was the prize. I wonder if you remember, too.

I always think about what you might remember. In case it’s useful.

The windows are fogging. Yes, it’s slow going.

Remember, remember... While we wait:

Remember the games we played, years ago? Back when they cared about keeping the garden looking pretty. The way it ended up, it’s like they were only keeping it pretty for you...

There were bushes taller than we were, and not messy ones either. They flowered white in the spring and yellow in the summer. Big hollow caves of leaves that a kid could hide in. You were the one to think of the trick. It really perked up those games of hide-and-seek. It scared me a little, though, to think nobody might ever find me. I wouldn’t start running until you were twenty seconds from ‘ready or not’, so I wouldn’t have to spend much time hidden. I just planned where I'd go, stand still, and bolt at the last minute. Did you ever suspect? They were such good hiding places.

Slow going tonight. It might be my fault. I’m trying not to hurry. It could be dangerous - frost on the roads. But we’ll get there, me and one in the backseat..

Now there's someone who doesn't suspect a thing.

I see the exit. I have to tell myself, ready or not...